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Fusible Link

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Offline EastTNZukiGuy

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Fusible Link
« on: September 04, 2015, 11:07:51 AM »
Where is the fusible link for the 86 Zuki? Someone said to check the fusible link.

I have replaced the whole cluster on the back taillights. The whole assembly is new. The brake lights, turn signal and back up lights work great. The right rear running light is the only one not working. No running lights on the right side work.

Any ideas


Offline TheLastSamurai

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Re: Fusible Link
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2015, 05:02:57 PM »
I would check the fusible link too. All that basically is, is a fuse whether or not its in a fuse box or wired into the line is another thing. Check ALL of your fuses by removing them 1 by 1. I would also removed the non-working light fixture and check the ground wire. I have had this issue before and mine was a ground tire on the back of the light fixture.


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Re: Fusible Link
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2015, 06:49:47 AM »
First - If the "fusible link" on a Samurai fails, the entire vehicle goes dead - on a Samurai, the term "fusible link" refers to a very specific connection, between the battery positive and every circuit in the vehicle except the starter.

Second - you say NO running lights on the right side are working - do you mean neither front nor rear on the right side?

Next - can I assume you have tried a new bulb, or maybe swapped the left & right side bulbs?  It's a dual filament bulb and quite possible for one filament to burn out and the other still work.

Assuming it's not as simple as the bulb I need you to conduct a test - have someone hold the brake pedal down (you say the brake lights work) and then watch what happens on the right side when you switch the running lights on - does the brake light still light?

A missing ground can cause all sorts of weird effects - the brake light may be grounding through the running light circuit and appear to work - until you power up the running lights.
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