Today as I was driving to work my Samurai suddenly lost power. It had been running fine, I was cruising in fifth gear, and all of a sudden, the engine bogged like I had flipped a switch. I popped it in neutral, and everything seemed fine. It idles fine, but as soon as I try to drive or give it gas, it bogs immediately. I found that if I depressed the pedal extremely slightly, it would accelerate. I could get it up to about 25 mph after about 2 minutes of this. I got to work, when I started it to go home, it started fine, I revved the engine, everything was ok. I popped the hood to make sure everything was in place and nothing looked obviously wrong. I also wanted to let it warm up to see if it would duplicate the same symptoms. Nothing unusual. I drove out of the parking lot, started on my way, and suddenly BAM, again I had the same situation. I found that I could get the engine into high RPM by blipping the throttle over and over. I had to do this to get it rolling. I got it home and began to investigate. I pulled all the plugs, they were all in good shape. I checked thoroughly for vacuum leaks, I found none. I removed the carb hat and watched the choke operate during warm-up. Everything seemed fine. I let it idle for about 15 minutes. I revved the engine occasionally to check for symptoms. It revved up fine, no smoke, no problems. I re-installed the carb hat, let it idle more, revved it more. Nothing. I got it in, drove down the road about 2 blocks, and again, same exact thing. the going on? I got out and pulled off the carb hat, revved the engine, still bogged. I know I have spark, I know I have air. Timing seems right. Fuel pump? Please help.