Check the secondary jet for some blockage, that mixture meter is
not stock, and it's great that you have one because it tells you a lot
about how the engine is running, and you don't want lean for an engine
that is working hard, that will run it hot and wear it out faster.
Best power on gasoline is about 12.5:1 AFR, I have seen as high as 11:1
but this is rich, you want about 12-13:1 under full load and a cruise of about
14-15:1, stotich (sp?) is 14.7:1 so if your mixture meter is like mine with
the LEDs, when your foot is down hard it should read rich with the greed
lights, at cruise it should read yellow lights and lean is red lights.
If the secondary jet is clear, then you need a bigger one, and you will need
to also find out what jets should be in that carb, a classic VW type shop should
be able to help with the jets and proper jetting and adjustment for that carb.
Weber carburetors are a jet adjusted carb, there is a limited range of adjustment
and from what I heard, the screws for adjustment are air screws not fuel screws
so less is more, less air more fuel, sort of backwards to the normal way the screws
work on other carb's but I haven't messed with a weber for 25 years, so get a tuners
opinion on setting up the Weber to run best
Good Luck