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Should get a laugh out of this

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Offline WI Zukiman

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Should get a laugh out of this
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:21:23 PM »
So I bought my samurai a while ago and I knew it had shit for springs on it when I got it. Well I finally put some different stock springs on it from a previous samurai that I had since I'll be wheelin it all memorial weekend. Only did the front so far. Just a little bit of a difference ya think?


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Re: Should get a laugh out of this
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2011, 06:45:07 AM »

Where and what days are you planning on "Wheel'n" over Memorial Day Weekend?
I am trying to get together a few to go up to Tomahawk the weekend B-4 Memorial Day to run out in the Harrison Hills area.
If interested on meeting up in Tomahawk, post a PM on this site.
On your run,
I am committed to a road ralley on Monday of Memorial Day Weekend, If you like to join us on this high way run, just meet at the Haystack Resturaunt on Cty E west of Westfield, Wisconsin. Leave out is 09:00 hours. (FREE no entry fees!!!)
Its an hour or so north of Madison depending which side of town you are on.
I am taking my Sammy too; save on the gas bill. Originally I had  the idea of running "Old No.4" my old Fire Truck, but NOT AT 4 MILES TO A GALLON!!!! Not unless gas prices crash in 3 weeks!!!



Offline WI Zukiman

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Re: Should get a laugh out of this
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2011, 08:38:34 AM »
Well for the past 5 years or so we've always went to the pipeline near the beginning of it around Mountain, WI; However, they have shut a lot of that region down due to the land being so torn up from the trucks and erosion. So, we havn't really figured out where we are heading exactly yet. We usually head out Friday morning and drive all weekend and head back either Sunday night or Monday morning.

For the weekend before, I would have to talk with my brother and see what he wants to do. He has the tow rig and the trailer so all my trips are based off what he wants to do.  Im always looking for new places to go. I'll let you know later about that.

The Monday rally sounds interesting. One of my brothers lives in Neshkoro, WI which is near Westfield so I'd probably be around that area anyway. What all goes on? I see the word high way and that is a not so friendly word for my sammy.


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Re: Should get a laugh out of this
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 06:33:48 PM »
The Owners of the Haystack Dinner Club put on a "Mystery Tour" Road run every Memorial Day.
A menagerie of vehicles show up, free Continental breakfast, a Blessing By Jimmy Johnson and the trip starts about 09:00 AM.
It is not a Race!!
It is a all paved road fun run, with stops of interest and re-hydration.  You can bail out at any point with no hard feelings
(I have only finished one to the end). There are a couple of other 4x4's that make the run, His oldest boy usually tows his off road jeep all the way from Ohio.

About Tomahawk; Saturday we plan to meet in town, head out to Otter Lake Camp to set up our Day Camp. Hit the forestry roads & logging roads, Stop for a re-hydration/lunch stop and end with a "Cannibal Cookout" (You bring what you want to burn).
If you want to camp, rustic camping on Otter Lake is a Great Place.


Offline WI Zukiman

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Re: Should get a laugh out of this
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2011, 07:44:34 PM »
Sounds like it'd be a good trip but i have to pass. Like I said before a lot of my riding depends on my brother and he cant afford making two runs right after each other. Another time though. I'm always looking for new places to go and people to meet. Thanks for the offer


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Re: Should get a laugh out of this
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2011, 06:55:45 PM »

I will e-mail you about our next adventures!!
My Junking Buddy Marlin help me replace my clutch today.
All went fairly well, Took it for a test Trail Ride behind my shop B-4 calling it a day.
Tomorrow I will adjust the pedal stroke, should be good to go!!