One thing to remember also with bigger tires, is that they weigh more than
smaller tires. The combined weight of 1 of my 33" LTB Swampers and the
rim is about 60 Lbs, and makes a stock wheel and tire feel like a toy.
What I'm getting at is the rotational mass, like adding a heavy flywheel
to an engine, makes it rev slower, and 4 heavy rotating tires, in addition
to the lever action of a tall tire will make your little motor feel really sluggish,
gears help reduce the tall tire affect, but you still have a much heavier mass
spinning under you, so no amount of gearing, even if it specs out as it would
if it were stock on stock rubber, will get back the pep it once had, for that to
be back takes more torque, like a bigger engine or boosting the engine you have