The driver weight is acting as a counter balance. If the driver was sitting on the opposite side of the car or the incline was the other way round your mass would be helping to tip the suzuki over.. the reason i asked about the 4wd drive was , if it was in 2wd the jeep would have stopped going forward as soon as a rear wheel lifted up , unless you've got a rear locker fitted. I could'nt comment on auto boxes at extreme angles .Never driven one at that sort of tilt I'll leave that to you and it is still an excellent video ....... derkiow
Good call, & may be correct...
but around these here parts, we don't call em j(h)eeps, we call em ZUKES!!

"No, it's not a jeep."
Might be right on the trans losing pressure, though I've not had it happen either on any auto I've run. Can't say I've put my Tracker at that angle 'yet'. One thing to be aware of though, is too much trans fluid can result in the fluid frothing, which will cause more problems than it might solve... so be careful on that. Ditto on the cool vid.
Edit: after watching the vid again, I noticed when your drivers rear tire went air-born, you can hear a ratchet type sound... so I'm guessing you have a lockrite type locker in the rear. And... my guess is that its was in 'going around a corner' mode, which is what the ratchet sound was. maybe just characteristic of your locker, or maybe it needs to be shimmed or adjusted or new springs in locker...?