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Gathering straight axle stuff but have questions???

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Offline S.Sidekick

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Gathering straight axle stuff but have questions???
« on: November 30, 2009, 07:52:06 AM »
Hey so i want to start gathering my parts to do a straight axle swap on my 94 4 door.  I have been looking at axles and want to do a reliable build my go not too expensive.  my lift will consist of leaf springs, and ill list the questions below please answer what you can it would really be appreciated and ill do a great write up on the build.

1) What axle would be best for this build? Wrangler, toyota, or samurai
2)  could i go leafs in the front and try to stay coil in the rear or should i do leafs all around?
3) Does the sidekick frame have the same demensions as one of those rigs listed above?
4) could i use brackets from those leafs or will custome ones have to be made?

I got alot of questions kind of new to building stuff like this but really appreciate the feedback.

Thanks Jon

Re: Gathering straight axle stuff but have questions???
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 10:33:29 AM »
I would say go with the Toyota axles. If your rig is running a offset rear axle A good axle shop can offset it with a T-100 shaft on 1 side and then shorten the existing Toyota axle. The spring perches are cut and weld to the correct positions. I would suggest running leafs, as they should be simple to fab mounts onto your frame and they will fit the existing mounts on the axles. If you are handy with a torch and a welder you could do most of the mounting and fab yourself. But if not look to pay a minimum of $60 an hour. The axles can be found between $400 and $1,000 (check Craigs list, and local auto recycling centers). The offset of the back axle will run about $600 to $800 (but you may not need it if you run a centered pumpkin already). As for the front axle, do you run a passenger side 3rd member? If so the Toyota axle will work for you. If not I would do a set of front and rear axles off of a Jeep, or just call around and see if you can find a set of Dana 44's with a driver side 3rd member. But you will pay more for the 44's as they are a highly sought after axle. Try to get front and rear axles off the same rig. that will ensure the same gear ratio. Once you get it all in a good machine shop can press you a set of U-joints for the new drive shafts. Hope I was of help. Good luck, See ya on the road soon.


Offline Snorkeld_Zuk

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Re: Gathering straight axle stuff but have questions???
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 08:30:32 PM »
Try to find an 80-85 toyota pickup for a donor. The toyota axles will be best. You DO NOT have an offset rear in the Sidekick. The toyota axles generally have a 4.10-4.88 ration, with the vast majority being 4.10s, so plan on gears, they have 5.29s and like 5.78 or something ridiculous like that, the 5.29s are pretty reliable, the 5.78s are the highest available and consequently the thinnest ring gear. Leafs front and rear is going to be the cheapest and easiest to fab. Either Toyota rears or YJs are the most realistic. Sky's has spring and shackle hangers for toyotas pretty cheap. Sidekick frame is close to toyota, but not exact. BRACE THE FRAME!! The track/kick frame has "crumple zones behind the struts on the front. They bend easily, they are meant to. Mine bent before I realized they were there. If you get a donor rig, you can chop some of the spring hangers and stuff off it, plus you can sell of the crap you don't want to help fund the build.
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