1. Starter does nothing.
Good. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't trying to turn an engine that wouldn't turn, thereby SEEMING as if it was doing nothing when, in fact, it was doing the best it could. If the solenoid isn't even clicking once, that's a good sign.
2. I did attempt on pushstart the truck. But.... not in 2nd gear.... Why specifically 2nd? I pushed this very same truck on an old motor in 1st gear, it worked.
2nd gives you a better shot. You don't really need to turn the engine over very fast to bump-start, but you do want at least a couple seconds of engine crank, especially if it hasn't run in a while/ever. 1st gear will try to spin the engine up real fast, but the compression will kill your speed real quick, leaving you with one very short, all-or-nothing bump. In second (or even 3rd if you've got a pretty quick push), you may well get a few seconds worth of no-clutch turnover, giving the mixture a chance to get into the cylinders.
... and im able to rotate the crankshaft.
Then it's not seized. Whew.
The thing is, the starting circuit is the simplest thing on the truck. You can run power right to the starter and it should turn. Simple electric motor. Someone earlier mentioned using a screwdriver to short the circuit right there at the solenoid.
I once had a car where the starter went out. At least, that's what I thought. Went to Autozone and bought a new/remanufactured one and installed it. The car still wouldn't turn over. Had the battery checked again. All good. Had the old starter checked again. Definitely bad. Removed the alternator and had it checked. Tested fine. Finally exhausted every other option and took the new/remanufactured starter back and made them give me another one. Put it on and...presto!
You definitely NEED to make sure that starter is working. Then cables. Then ignition switch.