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ammeter help please!

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Offline SKAsammy

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ammeter help please!
« on: August 25, 2006, 05:07:16 PM »
The instructions for my new ammeter say hook one wire to the starter and one to the battery...tried it...nothing.  The Instructions I found online say hook one wire to the alternator and one wire to the battery...should I try or could i kill myself?  I guess what im saying is, is this the proper way or not?  Also once i figure this out how many amps should i be pulling?
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Offline wildgoody

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Re: ammeter help please!
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2006, 05:34:11 PM »
The instructions online sound right,
you want to know how many amps the
alternator is putting out, or when you
have a high load like big lights or a winch.

Rhino can probably set you straight completly
but I think the guage goes in between the
charge wire on the alt and the battery.
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Offline reb

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Re: ammeter help please!
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 06:39:04 PM »
If you mean for a dash mounted ammeter, it connects as Wildgoody said.  You disconnect the wire between the alternator and the battery and connect the ammeter where the wire was.  When you start the engine and the battery is charging, the meter should move to the "+".  If it moves the other way, swap the connections on the back of the meter, or under the hood, whichever is easier.  Incidentally, unless you like to have maximum sparks when you don't expect them  :o, disconnect the ground lead on your battery while disconnecting the alternator wire, installing the meter or switching leads. 

When the battery is low, the meter might read 25 to 30 amps, unless you have a larger alternator.  The reading should go down to a few amps as the battery is charged.


Offline SKAsammy

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Re: ammeter help please!
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2006, 10:30:43 PM »
Thanks guys, youre a huge help.  It works great!
2" body  lift
8000 lb winch
30/9.5/15 BFG all terrains roll on bedliner in and out homemade bumper 1996 Silv. 4" lift 35's many mods