Click HERE for all picturesIt was a glorious muddy mess on the main road.. but the side trails were just slippery and fun..
I actually watched a NICE looking Rubicon (LOCKED!!!) get stuck on nearly flat ground.. on the main road, couldn't steer, couldn't go foward, just slipped and slid around..  I have to admit though, it was because of his tires.. must have been some sort of poor AT, as they looked like slicks.. he was sick, you could see it in his eyes.. LOL... all the Zuks just went around him, and tried not to sling too much mud on him... LOL
Here is "Leroy" from All About Mud  hitting a neat little ledge (that we all got up fine...) and getting some air before going up..
Met a another bunch of Zuki folks.. I counted at least 9 there.. counting my Tracker.. there were 3 Sammys and my Tracker in our group, and a couple of other groups too.. I saw Three of the Maroon colored ones like this one.. (it only has 58K miles on it :o )

All in all.. it was a GREAT day... one of the sammy guys flopped his THREE SEPARATE TIMES! it was hilarious.. once he was just trying to climb a tree and went too far!!ÂÂ

Great great fun today!