hey, I don't want to sound preachy or anything, but you'll find that even though you think you don't know much fixing cars, it ain't as complicated as the computers you work on.  maybe just a little greasier
 two things will happen when you start working on your own rig.  one, you'll have more money to spend on cool stuff to put on it, and you don't have to work with some nut case who claims to know what he's doing.  these kits come with detailed instructions, and I'll bet you could follow them as easily as the next guy.  It has been fun reading about your exploits with your "mechanic"
 but I bet we'd all rather have you tell us about how you handled the project on your own.  I'll get down off my soap box now and wish you all the beast ( I mean best)  with your new set up.  What color are you going with?