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White smoke

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White smoke
« on: May 10, 2020, 09:09:45 PM »
Hello all, I have an 86 Sami with a 94 1.6L 16valve. I have had no issues until now. At idle I’m getting white smoke from the tail pipe at idle, when I give it throttle it goes away, weird thing for me is it’s a little hit and miss. The temp gauge reads normal, my resivor tank was a little full, no water in the oil. My coolant level was 2 drinking bottles of water low when I first checked, I added water and it’s hit and miss on the smoke, I am getting moisture in the tailpipe, but engine runs fine with no sputtering or bad performance. I was assuming head gasket but I’ve also read maybe pvc valve or valves out of whack. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: White smoke
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2020, 04:40:11 PM »
If you are losing water its going someplace. Cracks will get bigger when the motor gets to operating temp. You can have a crack into the ex port and not get a drop in the oil.


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Re: White smoke
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2020, 07:00:41 PM »
First - moisture in the tail pipe is not necessarily an issue, water is one of the by products of combustion (of hydro carbon fuels such as gasoline) - normally the water is vaporized due to the heat of combustion but under many different circumstances it can condense on colder surfaces and become visible.

Second - the coolant level was 2 drinking water bottles low - exactly how much is that?  I've got 20 litre bottles of drinking water and that's more than the cooling system on the average vehicle takes.  You need to provide specific details - how often do you have to add coolant - 2 drinking water bottles a day?  a week?  a month?  a year?  and we still need to know how much water your bottle holds.

So far you've told us nothing that suggests there's a problem with the vehicle other than perhaps neglect.
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