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Timber Cruiser "Makeover"

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Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« on: January 17, 2016, 05:22:43 PM »
Well I finally got a Job Layoff, as I work large construction & Pipeline projects,
haven't had a winter lay up in years, so now I can get started on giving my 87 Sammy
a long needed "Makeover"
Thursday, with help of a Rusty Iron Junkie Friend, move a donor 88.5 Sammy into my shop. My son found this Sammy with documented 68,000 miles in Madison, Wisconsin.
Original owner from new, used it as his winter vehicle to commute to work. Body is trash from rust.
This is a complex reconfiguring of vehicles in 2 barns.
Friday afternoon, Pulled the engine from the donor Sammy & put it on a engine stand
Saturday, just pay Thursday in reverse and move the Timber Cruiser into the shop.
Sunday afternoon (today), unloaded all the Off Road Gear, and started to strip it down to the tub, as after cleaning any rust that has started since it's last tear down (2004) & some upgrades, it will get a fresh coat of paint.
Hope I can transfer some pix without going thru photo bucket


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2016, 05:28:17 PM »
That was the donor Sammy, now I know pix will go

Here is what I have got done this afternoon


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2016, 05:46:16 PM »
90% of the brown/tan stuff in pix is river silt !!
I am not afraid of water crossings, I came to Play !!
I "Submarine'd It" Good at a 4x4 Rally in West Virginia,
Had water up to the wipers, and coming in thru the fresh air grill
onto my spotters hiking boots thru the heater, didn't swamp it out!
There are two rust areas I will need to clean up beond some surface rust.
One is in the passenger foot well, 2nd is in cargo area


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2016, 05:47:37 PM »
Will Post updates as I "Get R Done"


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2016, 05:56:45 PM »
One of the thing I did was to degrease and clean up the donor engine.
Here is a neat little trick to use when you are working out of the elements
inside your garage, and or don't want to stain your concrete floor or driveway.
Use a Cheap Plastic Kiddie Pool, this one used to be for my dog in the summertime,
He past on to the Fire Plug in the sky in 2010, so he won't be upset I'm using it this way.


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2016, 06:12:58 PM »
Hi Capt. Interesting project you have there. Good luck with the build


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2016, 06:49:04 PM »
Thank You Johnny,
It may not look like I have made much progress, actually I have gotten a lot done. I'm doing this in Phases as I have only the one stall in my shop to work on this project at this time. If it was summer, I'd have a lot more room, but it has been below zero the last several days, so I have my "Shaggin Wagon" custom 1 ton van, a Tractor, and a another project that is always on the back burner, hiding out in here too. (It's a heated shop)

The Timber cruiser is just about down to It's Skivies, only 2 rear tranny mount bolts are holding the engine/tranny in (I always pull these as a unit, it's way easier, especially putting it back in), and I'm going to pull the Dash Board out to service the wiper motor, some rat's nest wiring issues, and some upgraded gauge sets. The bumpers are off, and a new rear bumper is going to be in house custom made.


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2016, 06:55:31 PM »
Oh, and that's another Yooper Cost Saving trick,
the shop overhead doors are insulated, but to help keep the drafts out, put some old sleeping bags, and bed quilts over the doors to help with the heating bill. These can be had Cheap at your 2nd hand stores like Goodwill, St. Vinnies, Salvation Army etc


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2016, 08:36:05 AM »
Hidden Progress over the last several days,
Rebuilt the Weber Carb that I put on back in 2010.
Also, I bought a jetting kit, booth, by Weber's tuning instructions,
I was running lean, and it also has the Altitude jets, as I travel all over
the U.S. for my work. (Went up 1 idle circuit jet, this is where you start)

On the donor engine,  removed the Intake w/Hatachi Carb and plumbing,
as I'm bringing over the intake & Webber Carb set up.
(SEE under Performance Mod Heading why)
installed a new;
Timing Belt, Rear Crank Seal, and Swap to a Less Rusty sludge'd up oil pan
that I had in my NOS (Never Out of Style) parts reserve, and take a internal peek at the engine.
THE SLUDGE; I have seen this type of goo before from 2 sources, Penzoil & Quaker State
which are a paraffin based oil, and the Early Amzoil products which I believe is the cause
I believe this time, as it has that black Jello look too it.

Have the engine & Tranny out, I feel when you pull these as an assembly it's so much easier especially doing any tranny clutch work.
(Have the tranny fluid drained), The trick is to this by yourself, as you pick it out nose high, you slowly turn it clockwise, and level it out at a 90 degree too clear grill,
as it comes out.


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Re: Timber Cruiser "Makeover"
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2016, 08:42:04 AM »
I can only send 2 pix at a time