If you get the Kick manifold complete with sensors then you'll have the air temp and water temp sensors and the wax valve thing that does the cold start air adjustment. You'll also need a Manifold Air Pressure sensor that is usually fixed on the Kicks bulkhead and a Vehicle Speed Sensor which is part of the Kick speedo assembly, someone (TT?) fits the sensor to the Sammi clocks. You'll also need an O2 sensor if you don't have one. Thers probably a few other things as well, I don't know how the main relay is wired on the Sammi.
I have been playing with the ECU for the Track/Kick, have a look at
http://www.btinternet.com/~j_hollandits not a 'live' site I still have lots to do to it but may be of some help, at the very least it lists all the sensors and inputs/outputs