Welcome, I'm also a newbie with same year, lift, and tire size. My PO however was a moron and it looks like I'll be going through every system to rebuild/replace what he has screwed up. You should see how tight the rear rubber brake lines are! I think they may actually be keeping the axle and springs from full down travel, he failed to replace with extended lines when he did the SPOA and shackles. Also my wheels have a whoping 6" back space so there might be 1/4" clearance between sidewall and springs... ahhhhh, at least I have a sammy I can build now... been wanting one for years.
Please disregard the giant cigarette attached to the side of my sammy, its actually a decent homeade snorkle but I need to find the top cap for it instead of the filter element its running now...
Only 35000 miles? Lucky!