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1.6 16valve wiring harness and speedo sensor neccassary?

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1.6 16valve wiring harness and speedo sensor neccassary?
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:25:39 PM »
Im getting a 98 tracker motor for my sammy swap and had a few questions

1. Do i have to shell out the extra dough or trail toughs wiring harness set up? or is that something me and my buddy can do ourselves with a little bit of time?

2. Do you need to have trail tough instal the speed sensor from the donor into the sammy speedometer? what does this do, and do i really need it, or can i do it myself?

3. Everyone says the 96 and later tracker motors are not smog legal in california, is there anything i can do to it to make it legal? or should i just stay out of california?


Offline ack

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Re: 1.6 16valve wiring harness and speedo sensor neccassary?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 04:57:58 AM »
Im getting a 98 tracker motor for my sammy swap and had a few questions

1. Do i have to shell out the extra dough or trail toughs wiring harness set up? or is that something me and my buddy can do ourselves with a little bit of time?

2. Do you need to have trail tough instal the speed sensor from the donor into the sammy speedometer? what does this do, and do i really need it, or can i do it myself?

3. Everyone says the 96 and later tracker motors are not smog legal in california, is there anything i can do to it to make it legal? or should i just stay out of california?

(found with a search for wiring harness at Ack's FAQ)

(found by doing a search for speedometer - or even better - vss - at Ack's FAQ)

I don't know...   :)

A link to Ack's FAQ is in my signature, below

I hope that this helps!

'88 Samurai, '88.5 Samurai TT, '11 Ford Transit Connect XLT
Ack's FAQ  http://www.acksfaq.com

Re: 1.6 16valve wiring harness and speedo sensor neccassary?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 08:58:56 AM »
Thanks for the links.....anybody know anything about the california law and a way to get around it?

Also anyone who has done this swap with out the harness and speedo mod from trail tough.....how long did it take you to wire it up?


Offline ryanf73

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Re: 1.6 16valve wiring harness and speedo sensor neccassary?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 08:04:23 PM »
It is not illegal to have it unless you live there and are not able to pass smog.