Hello Everyone. Just signed up today to try and find some advice for a buddy of mine. I have searched most of the threads in section and did not seem to find any answers for the problem he is having. So I apologize if this has been discussed before, but I didn't have any luck finding it.
Ok, my buddy bought a 94 Sidekick 16v, manual trans. He is having some weird issues that we can't seem to get much help on diagnosing thus far. The vehicle starts and idles fine. The problem becomes that once it warms up, and he gets into second gear, it will bog down, lose power, and eventually die. It will not do it when its cold and only under load. If he can catch it fast enough and throw it in neutral, it idles and revs just fine. If he drives around in 1st gear, he said he does not seem to have any issues that he can tell so far. Its only when he is getting up to around 30 mph.
He has replaced plugs, wires and cap and rotor so far. He doesn't have a fuel pressure tester, so he can't verify he is getting proper pressure, but not sure if fuel pump failure would still allow it to idle and rev in neutral just fine. He also cleaned the mass air and noticed no change whatsoever.
The only time we have been able to get any codes from it, it came up as code 24 for the VSS. He said the spedometer was not working when he bought it, so we are thinking its a cable problem and the VSS light is because of that.
Will the VSS not getting a proper signal cause these symptoms? Or is it something unrelated to that code? That is the only code we have gotten so far. He is not getting a check engine light staying on, but it does come on when it acts up. But once you shut it off and try to restart it, the light goes off. So every time we try to check the codes again, we just get code 12.
While searching the forum to try and find similar issues, it seems most have problems on a cold engine, and nothing that seems to match any relation to speed.
He doesn't have much money, so just throwing parts at it is not possible. We are just trying to find a way to narrow down a possible sensor problem. We do not know what we should be looking for as far as which wires to test, and what voltages or resistances would should be seeing. So any help would be appreciated.
It seems sensors in general for this vehicle are pretty pricey. Are the parts from a GEO interchangeable since they share similar platforms? They seem to be about half the price as Suzuki sensors.
Thanks in advance for any insight or direction you guys can point us towards.