Ive got a trail tough sas (toyota axles) lift on my 2 door tracker. The problem i am having is maintaining my front caster and bolting on the driveshaft. The front driveshaft is also a trail tough piece, one of their cv's. The cv can not handle the angle that it is currently at. What are my options? for now im going to rotate into negative caster to see how far i have to go to get the driveshaft to bolt on.... Also the driveshaft wont bolt on when at normal rest, what happens if i hit a bump, run up a wall, or otherwise unload the front suspension,..... am i screwed??
I have also looked into rotating the balljoints on the front which requires cutting and rewelding. I would like to avoid if at all possible beacuse i just spend a decent chunk of $$$ on having the axles built.. and to tear them down again would be a like a slap in the face lol... anyways Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.