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88 Samurai Seat question..

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Offline TWG1964

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88 Samurai Seat question..
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:53:00 PM »
I am looking to replace my seats in my 88 Sammi.  I was looking at these JDM style racing seats.  Here is a link to the seats: http://www.yourhotcar.com/prod/custom/Car_Interior/Racing_Seats/Racing_Seats_Pair_Various/563283/ 

I was wondering if anyone has put this type of seat into their Samurai.  I have also been told that the Dodge Neon seats are the closest fit, but due to the color of my Samurai, I really like the racing seats from the link above.

I called the site and they said it would fit in the Samurai, but I am afraid they say that because the description say "universal fit".  So I was hoping others may have used similar style seats.

Thanks, Troy


Offline Drone637

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Re: 88 Samurai Seat question..
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 10:37:23 PM »
They should fit, but you will need to build your own bracket to allow them to bolt up to the Sammy seat frame.  I'll let someone else chime in on how they made the adaptors.  :)
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Offline BeercityTracker

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Re: 88 Samurai Seat question..
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 08:18:57 AM »
be carefull with cheap chinese racing seats, when you need them the most, they can snap in half. thats why 1 sparco seat cost as much as both of those. brackets are easy if you are handy with a bench grinder and a drill.


Offline Zuki-Girl

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Re: 88 Samurai Seat question..
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 07:24:23 PM »
When I had my 76 Bronco I had put them in it. Big mistake as was mentioned in previous reply. The rachet went out on drivers seat so it was stuck in one position,they tend to lay back further than is comforatible on long rides,and the plastic pieces in the top won't last long with a 5 point harness. My opinion I'll never use them again.