An Update...
The last friday was pull off the diff, after opening I tried to expand the diaphragm with the actuator pump with no luck...tried with an air compressor with around 8 psi... and I could heard a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz at one place of the diaphragm, let me tell you I felt kind of relaxed, because at least I had found the cause of no locking the diff.
The next day I went to a weld shop, and with the help of nprecon who gave me all the details and instructions on how to do it, the diaphargm was welded on a few minutes.
I just got back the tracker, running directly from the shop I went to a close zone to test the 4WD....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... what a difference! I felt so happy when finally I see it working!!!
I just ordered the manual hubs to be installed on a few days more, but... today...I have a 4x4!
Thank you guys for the great help!