I have an oppurtunity to purchase a 97 tracker, 4 dr., 4 wd, 1.6, 16v, 4 spd. auto in good condition other than a bad rear end. I have a 95 Tracker, 2dr., 4 wd, 1.6, 16v, 3 spd. auto parts car. I would like to replace the 4 dr front and rear end with those from the 95 2dr. From the Zuwharrie FAQ it says 4 dr. = 5.125 ratio & 2 dr. = 4.30 ratio. The vehicle will be a daily driver with OEM tires. Is this a direct swap? Any thoughts on mileage and driveability in town and highway? Are the differential/axle assemblies load rated the same? Equal width? Thanks for your input and knowledge.