oh-oh - you forgot to mark the distrbutor with white-out!
Been there, done that.
Try rotating the engine crankshaft
clockwise with the 17mm bolt on the front end until the timing mark on the accessory pulley lines up with the "0" mark on the timing belt cover.
Remove the distributor cap and check to see what sparkplug the rotor is pointing at. You should be able to tell this by tracing the sparkplug wire to it's cylinder.
Unfortunately, I am not 100 percent positive on this, but I THINK the rotor should be pointing at the #1 cylinder sparkplug. If it is close but not quit there, loosen the adjuster bolt, turn the distributor until the bolt is in the middle of the adjustment range then tighten it back down. Remove the fastener at the bottom of the distributor and pull the distributor assembly out. Turn the rotor a small amount and re-insert the distributor.
Check for rotor alignment to the spark plug wire connection on the cap and - if it is not danged close, remove the distributor again and rotate the rotor so that the drive gear meshes one tooth clockwise or counterclockwise until the rotor is in the right position.
When everything lines up, secure the distributor and re-time the engine by loosening the adjuster on the side of the distributor.
I hope that this help!