ya , thats what im thinking to brent .
if i pull the coil wire , the engine dies and the tach settles down .
but with this , it drops to 0 instantly .
i can duplicate this same thing by un plugging what i think is the noise filter or pulling the connection to the power block that mounted on the bracket with the coil . doing eather recreates the issue . the engine dies , tack instantly goes 0 and the engine will not start without plugging them back in .
im thinking , it must be one of these to .
my exsperiance with coils is they dont fuctuate . eather they are bad or they arnt . if they give off weak spark , its always weak
i dont know , im kinda dumbfounded here as it was running great tell i changed the gass filter , wires , cap and rotor and put the lucas in the tank to clean the injectors .
the PO had just put in new platnum plugs . i found them not to be gapped as he had them at .040 so i re gapped them to .028
other then that , nothing has change