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dash bulbs, how many?

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Offline Jookycola

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dash bulbs, how many?
« on: July 16, 2009, 11:48:57 AM »
Anyonr got a shop manual tha can tell me how many 158 bulbs and how many 75 bulbs go into the dash?  The Sylvania site says dash lights part number 158 & 74 but don't tell you how many or where they go.

I basically need to know what bulb lights the Speedo/tach cluster.  and how many of each i need.  I know the HVAC and Lighter ring is just one bulb a peice.  I'm doing a switch over to LED's so iI'd like to know how many to get.


Offline Nagoshi

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Re: dash bulbs, how many?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 01:11:31 PM »
A Trackick or a Sammy?

In my Tracker, I had two large bulbs on the ends of the cluster, two small ones in the middle, and one for each of the "signals" on the top part of the cluster (handbrake, check engine, oil, airbag, 4WD, etc...). That's what I remember. These lights have green "condoms-like" wrapping to make them light green, but the rear of the cluster "panel" itself (where the speed and RPM are written... IDK how that panel is called? it's the one you can "change" with aftermarket ones) has been treated with green stuff that you need to scrape off (on the rear of the panel) if you want to totally remove the green glow. Or it's something very close to this - I wanted to do it but ended up selling the Kick before finishing the project  >:(


Offline Jookycola

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Re: dash bulbs, how many?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 03:25:37 PM »
That may have helped huh?
it's for a 1995 Geo Tracker.