im not ready to let this go yet so im starting a new topic on the subject. i like where its headed. just wish i could transfer all of what was said over to this topic.
heres a link to the start of the topic so nobody has to surch for it later. smoke. you had the idea of using a frond axle and rolling the diff housing upside down. wouldnt that create poor oil flow to the pinion bearings causing them to fail quicker? im wanting my rig to be a daily driver so im looking for a setup that will handle prolonged use and highway capabilities.
thats why i thought mating front axle tubes to a rear diff housing would be the best option. but thinking about what i said before i would rather have the steering knuckles reversed so that whatever i use to control the steering in the rear is more protected by the axle housing and also more visable to anyone behind me.
also if i were to convert both the front and rear axles to hydraulc steering so that i could have both the front and rear axles turning when i corner im seing bad things happen durring highway use. i would either want to be able to reverse the rear steering for lane changes or shut it off completly which would knock everything out of sync later when i want it for cornering again. there has to be a simple fix for it. or a long drawn out one that requires alot of thinking
it looks like there would have to be atleist three modes maybe four.
1.low speed cornering (reversed steer in rear)
2.high speed cornering (no rear steer)
3.lane change high or low speed (same front and rear)
4.sticky situations? (rear steer only)
it sure would give a person alot of options. could get realy confusing realy fast though too.