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06 GV Auto Trans Help

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06 GV Auto Trans Help
« on: March 15, 2008, 10:04:11 PM »

I am the UNHAPPY owner of an 06 GV loaded leather 5 sp. Auto

I screwed up BIG time, I should have got the manual tranny......

I live in a hilly area (Halifax, NS) and the GV SCREAMS up every little hill on the highway.

I took it back to the dealer and they said (yes thats the way they are)

5200 RPM on every hill is not going to help the motor last. I noticed it starting to use oil already between changes. It has 40,000km on it.

This really bugs me because I am only at 1/4 to 1/2 throtle!!!! Why would any one want the engine screeming like this if I am not giving it much gas. I wouldnt mind if I was on the floor.

I told the dealer that this is not normal and they had the AREA REP go for a drive with me. The GV did its normal down shift and the RPM was 5200 at 65 mph going up the hill - I told him I was lifting my foot off the pedal and it still would not upshift, WHY??????????

HE SAID IT IS WORKING NORMAL- - NORMAL????? for what ???? Wasting fuel and putting un-nessesary stress on the motor......

There is just no need for the tranny to down shift unless you have your foot in it.

*********** So since Suzuki doesnt want to help, my question is where can I get a chip for the ECU that will re-program the shift points.
Does anyone know how I can adjust it so I can give it more throttle with out all the down shifting.....

With all the screeming motor noise my wife and I hate to take this on the highway.

SUZUKI open your eyes, not all of us live on the flat lands, there is no need to down shift till the throtle is 3/4 or better!!!!!!!!!!!!   PLS make a flash for the ECU, for us in hilly areas...... The HIGH RPM is KILLING MY GAS MILAGE.....
