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Harlen Ky......Evarts Ky A must go with the track/kick or sammy

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Offline wibornz

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Just came back from riding ATVs at Evarts Ky.  In Harlen county.  All the trails that we rode on could be concoured with a tracker or sammy.  There were some hill climbs that you should stay off but you could spend a week there and have a lot of fun. 

Here is the link to the area 


There is no charge to go on the trails.  We saw several trackers and sammys on the trail.  Check it out.  We were there for five days and we did not cover half of the trails. 


Offline Quaddawg

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Re: Harlen Ky......Evarts Ky A must go with the track/kick or sammy
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2007, 12:45:16 PM »
I have been there on ATV's.  Freaking AWESOME.

I always wanted to go back with the Kick..

1996 Tracker Daily Driver, "The Flea"

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Offline wibornz

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Re: Harlen Ky......Evarts Ky A must go with the track/kick or sammy
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2007, 08:44:38 PM »
If you know were the stadium is on the trails,  a sammy flipped over tring to climb a hill.  It threw a girl out and rolled over the top of her.  We got to the stadium just as the emergency crew was arriving.   She was not wearing a seat belt.  The sammy rolled a couple times.  It did not make the climb, and rolled over a couple times coming back down.