We had a absolute blast up there yesterday. Met up at the Log Cabin for breakfast for a slow start to a leasurly day. We started hitting snow about 1 mile from the Log Cabin on HWY 6.

No big deal but people were crawling along at 20 M.P.H. Famous Dave Capell took the lead and pointed us down to the west side of TSF. We took a left at some road I don't remember the name of, and proceeded to hit some unnamed trails. The 1st trail ended up being the best of the day. So good in fact that I got no pics of it.
We then started making our way towards the more popular trails. As we came upon Archers from the top we noticed that certain sections are closed for the winter. I.E. the fun parts. We did end up trying rocky uphill from the bottom after a couple failed attempts at other sections. There was maybe 6-8" of snow covering most of the trails with about 12" on top.

After playing around a bunch on some small stuff, and making some high speed rally attmepts on the logging roads, we ran Hog's Back from the top.

We then headed over to Cedar Tree to finish our day. It was dark before we got done with Cedar Tree but had no problems at all with the trail. After some more rallying on the icy logging roads we headed back down to the Log Cabin for some coffee and hot coco before making the journey home. All in all it was a killer fun day with just enough snow to make the trails challenging and a little different.