The problem is the regulator. I haven't found a regulator that will fit a 20oz for less than a hundred bucks or so.
If anyone knows where there is one, let me know.
The instant air, for $110 is really a good deal. How much are the 20 oz tanks?? About $30, right? then a regulator for 100, then a hose, and a case, and a tire plugging kit, and a blow gun.. etc etc..
I wish we could find acceptable regulators for cheap... if ANYONE knows.. pass it along.
As it stands now, it is cheaper to find a 10# tank, and get a standard hi flow regulator from Outback air for $55.00, then you can put your own hoses on it.
Here is my 20#er.. but I am picking up a 10#er Friday, and a 50#er witha siphon for filling my 10#er AND my 20oz tanks, as well as the boys Paintball tanks.
Pic of my 20# unit