I'd be really careful before investing in such a thing. a friend of mine tried lifting his kicker with stock springs off either a grand or TJ.. not sure which and it lifted it 3 or 4 inches no problem.. he thought it was 6 inches but he also thought his 1-1/8 spacers gave him 2 inches so you know.. anyways he got the back lifted.. probably not enough brake line and stuff but I think he overlooked it plus the links are pretty small for all that lift. So then he tried the front. Only did one side because the coil rubbed on the CV. BIG problem. not only did it do that but I think he probably would have killed his CV's and then some really quick since he didn't drop his axle.. and again.. brake lines and stuff not to mention he didn't even flip his strut mounts so his negative travel was probably maxed sitting still
to make a long story short, it didn't work out because of the CV rubbing up front so he took the coils off and put the stock ones back on with his spacers
the back end of it looked freaking awesome for a day at least.
so anyways, I'd look at other options.. don't shut the idea out completely though because I am not sure which jeep he got the coils from so if TJ coils are smaller in diameter they may fit.. all you'd need is axle drop brackets and other things to go with