I am totally confused as to what could be causing this. It all began today when I washed off the back of the engine. At first all the cylinders would miss, so I check all the spark plug wires for water, and a few had a little on the ends and the parts that connect to the distributor, so I dried them off and it ran... until I took it for a spin around my block, and it all out began missing and stalled in the middle of the road. so I get out with the paper towels and dry off the inside of the distributor cap, and it runs, although it misses a little, and I go back to my house. I let it run in my driveway for a while to get it up to operating temp to evaporate all the water vapor that may be sitting in the distributor, and it begins to run better, so I get in and leave for my moms house(about 30 miles away, and all uphill). I get on the freeway and it misses so much that I have to keep the rpms around 5000 to do about 55 (10 under the speed limit). So I do some diagnostic tests (putting the spark plug and wire on other terminals of the distributor to see if they were the problem) and the #1 spark plug and wire seemed to work, but the terminal for the #1 cylinder produced no spark, and since I had completely rid the distributor of any water, and cleaned the contacts on the rotor and the distributor cap, I have no idea as to what could cause this. If the elecronic sensor that tells the computer what position the crank is at was bad, the engine wouldnt run at all. I have no idea as to what would make the #1 cylinder not work, and I dont want to go and replace the whole ignition system if I dont have to. any help would be greatly appreciated.