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ZUKIWORLD Events and Activities Forum => ZUKIWORLD 'The Fall Classic' => Topic started by: ebewley on October 20, 2024, 02:40:55 PM

Title: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on October 20, 2024, 02:40:55 PM
Thank you to all that participated in this year's event! Please post / upload photos and stories here on this thread. Or, links to your Tic-Tac-Insta-X-You-Face account if you prefer.

Until next year... keep on keeping on!


Link to story  https://www2.zukiworld.com/zukiworld-fall-classic-explores-the-ochoco-national-forest/ (https://www2.zukiworld.com/zukiworld-fall-classic-explores-the-ochoco-national-forest/)

ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic 2024 - Bend, OR
November 22nd through 24th   

Updated 11/16/24

Hello Adventure Enthusiasts!

It's official! We're going to switch it up this year and adventure in the Ochoco forest area and find all new locations to challenge us and make memories. The route and points of interest are being developed and it looks to be really fun! Here's a rough itinerary, a couple of requests, and instructions for those that are planning on coming on this year's ZUKIWORLD FALL CLASSIC! The first thing to do would be to read over the previous adventures and see if you're up to being cold and dirty for three days and to see if this trip would be something that would interest you. Ok - Here's the roughed in schedule! Please note that depending on weather and other conditions, we may not do all of the items listed below. If I have you on 'the list' you'll receive an email with specific coordinates to base camp and other information. If you haven't received an email and are planning on attending, please send me an email at ebewley[at]zukiworld.com

2024 Itinerary


-- Meet at Erickson's Thriftway in Prineville, OR by 12PM (Gas up & last minute Grocery beforehand) Leave 12:30PM
-- Drive to Paulina (last chance gas and late/alternate itinerary people meetup). Paulina is NO LONGER a way point / POI. We will be leaving out of Prineville to go to camp
-- Get to Camp in Afternoon. We'll choose either (Cold Springs Guard Station, Wolf Creek, or Cottonwood Lake pit.) Camp is "Deep Creek Campground"
-- Camp and Have a Chili Potluck  & Social around 6PM
-- Optional Night ride


-- Explore new route focusing on Lookout Points of interest.
-- Campground shenanigans


-- Explore John Day fossil beds, find a dinosaur bone!  OR, Explore mines and Lookout MTN on the way back to Prineville
-- Get to Prineville and Disperse/Disband 5PM

Requests / Instructions:

1 - Send and email to me ebewley[at]zukiworld.com letting me you're attending (please include a cell number type of vehicle, where you are coming from and how many will be in your group)
2 - Watch this thread for more information. (A list of attendees will be generated in this thread as verification that we know you're going)
3 - An email will be sent to those that are attending with finalized details including specific meeting locations, times, maps, etc...
4 - It most likely will be very cold. (bring what you need to survive AND enjoy yourself)
5 - Have a 200 mile range with your vehicle.
6 - Bring an arm load of fire wood to help out or means to gather some firewood on our way to camp.
7 - Suzuki mfg vehicle or special guest.
8 - Trailers, motor-homes, & campers are a NO-NO, this event is about the elements and simple camping, If you need to haul, consider dropping off in LaPine and driving your adventure rig from there.
9 - If you bring a dog, make sure it is well behaved or you may be asked to camp far, far away from the group.
10 - We'll be using FM radios and the MURS channels. We may switch to FRS channels to accommodate but no one will have a CB.
11 - Chili Potluck is where each person brings a can of chili to throw into a big pot. AND A SIDE ITEM THAT YOU'LL SHARE

 We'll provide the cooking you bring the chili.

Thanks, Eric .


Eric B. | Bend, OR | Sidekick (Samurai if I can get one of the ol' projects running!)
Matt V. | Hamlet, OR | Samurai
Davey A. | Salem, OR | Sidekick
David C. | Newberg, OR | GV
Andy L. | Portland, OR | Delica
Drew A. | Dallas, OR | Jeep
Doug H. | St. Helens, OR | GV
   Paul in a Sidekick
   Eric in a Samurai
   Kenny in a Grand Vitara
Martin | Roseburg, OR | Delica Too
Dana P. | Klamath Falls, OR | Vitara
Marty Y. | Dallas, OR | Bronco
Allen A. | Christmas Valley, OR | Sidekick

Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: mverley on October 20, 2024, 08:16:20 PM
I'm in.  I'll have a vehicle of some kind. 
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: darnold87 on October 20, 2024, 11:30:58 PM
I'll be there.  I might even drive the Sidekick since we're heading to a new location this year. 😎
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on October 21, 2024, 07:05:47 PM
Updated with the two sign-ups! Thanks for the POI, Davey... I'll add those to a map file that we'll distribute right before we go.

Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: Invincible on October 24, 2024, 01:32:01 PM
I'm in.
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on October 26, 2024, 06:01:34 AM
Updated the headcount! Been putting together some POI. There's some interesting stuff we're going to see, I think.

Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: Thirty-Nine on October 31, 2024, 10:33:57 AM
Mercedes and I are in. Sent you an email. Probably in the "special guest" Delica again if you'll have us!
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on November 03, 2024, 06:55:57 AM
Awesome Andy! very glad to have you guys - Eric
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: Dughrt on November 08, 2024, 02:16:01 PM
 I will be attending this year, but Sebrina is not sure yet. Have not decided if I will drive the purple X90 or my Grand Vitara. Have a group of 3 others that plan to head down with me. Hopefully they will email you.
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on November 09, 2024, 03:47:24 AM
That's great Doug! This is shaping up to be really fun. I did some pre-running and have found some interesting stuff so far.

Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on November 09, 2024, 03:52:48 AM
Several updates made based on last weekend's pre-run. Check the first post for info... I'm building a map/.kmz file for the trip This will be emailed out to those that reach out to me as described above!

Thanks, Eric
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on November 16, 2024, 05:14:40 AM
We had a bunch of new sign-ups and that is great! I look forward to meeting all of the new folks as well as seeing familiar friends. An email with more details (maps,POI) will be coming out for those that emailed me directly. If that doesn't happen on time, don't worry!!! Just meet us at the time and place listed above in Prineville and we'll have a humdinger of a good time. -Eric
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: Dughrt on November 16, 2024, 08:12:25 AM
The group heading out from Gladstone on Friday morning will included
Paul in a sidekick
Eric in a samurai
Kenny in a grand vitara
Myself in a grand vitara or x90
If anyone from the area wants to caravan out with us.
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on November 16, 2024, 03:02:11 PM
Excellent! Glad to see that Samurai in the group. Automatic cool! :)

- Eric

The group heading out from Gladstone on Friday morning will included
Paul in a sidekick
Eric in a samurai
Kenny in a grand vitara
Myself in a grand vitara or x90
If anyone from the area wants to caravan out with us.
Title: Re: 2024 ZUKIWORLD Fall Classic - November 22nd thru 24th.
Post by: ebewley on November 16, 2024, 03:05:11 PM
I'm sending out an email to those that signed up via email with a KML file of the routes and POI. Please note, it's snowing here and we may have to modify the trip A LOT to keep moving but that is the idea. Just have fun and see stuff!  The base camp will be at a forest service campground called Deep Creek Campground. If you decide to go straight there instead of caravan out on the trail (not recommended) please pick one of the larger spots next to the creek so we can be somewhat close together .

We'll need to get or bring wood.

Attached is a screenshot of the map/routes

Thanks, Eric