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ZUKIWORLD Events and Activities Forum => ZUKIWORLD 'The Fall Classic' => Topic started by: ebewley on June 09, 2019, 05:35:55 AM

Title: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on June 09, 2019, 05:35:55 AM

Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - Bend, OR
November 21st through 24th

Hello Adventure Enthusiasts!

Here's a rough itinerary, a couple of requests, and instructions for those that are planning on coming on this year's ZUKIWORLD FALL CLASSIC! The first thing to do would be to read over the previous adventures and see if you're up to being cold and dirty for three days and to see if this trip would be something that would interest you.

2019 Itinerary:
Ok - Here's the roughed in schedule! Please note that depending on weather and other conditions, we may not do all of the items listed below.





Requests / Instructions:

1 - Send and email to me ebewley[at]zukiworld.com letting me you're attending (please include a cell number type of vehicle, where you are coming from and how many will be in your group)
2 - Watch this thread for more information. (A list of attendees will be generated in this thread as verification that we know you're going)
3 - An email will be sent to those that are attending with finalized details including specific meeting locations, times, maps, etc...
4 - It most likely will be very cold. (bring what you need to survive AND enjoy yourself)
5 - Have a 200 mile range with your vehicle.
6 - Bring an arm load of fire wood to help out or means to gather some firewood on our way to camp.
7 - Suzuki mfg vehicle or special guest.
8 - Trailers, motor-homes, & campers are heavily discouraged, If you need to haul, consider dropping off in LaPine and driving your adventure rig from there.
9 - If you bring a dog, make sure it is well behaved or you may be asked to camp far, far away from the group.
10 - We'll be using FM radios and the MURS channels. If you are unsure of what that is, ask us!
11 - Beef Stew Potluck is where each person brings a can of STEW to throw into a big pot. AND A SIDE ITEM THAT YOU'LL SHARE

 We'll provide the cookin' you bring the STEW FIXINGS.

It's Going to be great! -Eric
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on June 09, 2019, 05:40:15 AM
Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - Bend, OR
November 21st thru 24th

[/b] [/color]
Please reply to this post with your name, from, and what you'll be driving if you're planning to attend.
Ok, who's in?

1. Eric Bewley / Bend, Oregon / Samurai
2. Davey Arnold / Salem, Oregon / Sidekick
3. Drew Anderson / Dallas, Oregon / Colorado


Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on June 24, 2019, 05:17:14 PM
Davey Arnold / Salem, Oregon / Suzuki Sidekick

Also, I'd like to suggest that we put together a group to go to the Cowboy Dinner Tree on Friday night (or Saturday if that is preferred).  This is south of Silver Lake (where fuel is available 24/7 now!).  It is about 45 minutes south of our typical camp spot.  People come from out of state to eat here and we'd need to reserve our spot a month or two in advance, so this will take a little pre-planning.  I know of at least 5 people that want to do this so I'd say its a go. 
I'd also like to ask Eric if he'd consider changing up the camp location or at least plan to explore the area south of Silver Lake, around Winter Ridge and such... We just did an adventure ride down through there and found a lot of cool places and neat backroads.  Might be cool to explore more in an area that we don't typically go.  :)

Here's more info on Cowboy Dinner Tree:
http://www.cowboydinnertree.net/ (http://www.cowboydinnertree.net/)
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on June 26, 2019, 04:46:25 PM
Great input Davey! I say yes... Let's plan for the Cowboy Dinner Tree for the Saturday Dinner. I'll do some recon on that camp site and get back to the group. It has been quite awhile since we explored that forest. I remember the LP powered Toyota and the driver/passenger probably more than the area. :)

Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on July 14, 2019, 11:54:29 AM
Thanks to Drew Anderson, we have a confirmed reservation for the Cowboy Dinner Tree on the Saturday for 15 people. This is really a placeholder so  We'll need to get a headcount here as people confirm so we can let the restaurant know how many as the time draws near.

Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on September 17, 2019, 04:49:08 PM
A little more info at this page... Sign up if you're interested by posting here!


Thanks, Eric
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: mverley on September 22, 2019, 01:58:56 PM
Luke and I will be there again this year! 
The ole 2.3L sport is running great and ready for another adventure! 
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on September 26, 2019, 06:25:33 AM
That's great! I'm in the midst of getting the Sikekick up to snuff. I'll hopefully be pretty exploring around where Davey and his biker gang :)  was this summer for places to see next weekend.  Would you like to fly in and ride with me? 

Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: mverley on September 30, 2019, 11:13:58 PM
That's great! I'm in the midst of getting the Sikekick up to snuff. I'll hopefully be pretty exploring around where Davey and his biker gang :)  was this summer for places to see next weekend.  Would you like to fly in and ride with me? 


Like on a pre-run? 
Airplanes AND Suzukis in the desert?  I like it...
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on October 11, 2019, 03:04:28 PM
Hey everyone~ 
I was re-reading the Cowboy Dinner Tree website and it sounds like we need to actually place our order when making the reservation.  Since the reservation was made by Drew, I don't know if he placed the order? (I just texted him to find out).  Anyway, please see the website and comment if you're going and what you're eating.  It's basically the steak or a chicken.  And we'll need to specify how many kids as well since it's pricing is basically based on you're age.
So as I mentioned earlier, Mason (10yrs old) and I will be going and both of us are eating steak.

http://www.cowboydinnertree.net/ (http://www.cowboydinnertree.net/)

Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on October 16, 2019, 10:55:11 AM
I'm setting up the final Cowboy Dinner Tree party list.  I have 2 in my group, 5 in Greg M's group, 2 in Drew's group, 2 in Matt V's group, Eric, & Kelly.  That's 13.  Bagwell is a maybe.  So we're close to 15 at this point.  I'll be sending this list to Eric and Drew so we can lock it in with CDT, along with the food choices and age/price designations.  If you plan to attend, I suggest contacting me immediately.  Otherwise you can also setup your own reservation in the coming weeks. :)
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on October 16, 2019, 07:19:50 PM
Thanks a ton for organizing our new food adventure. We've been talking about this for years.. Now, it is to happen! :)

Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on October 18, 2019, 04:49:36 PM
Thanks a ton for organizing our new food adventure. We've been talking about this for years.. Now, it is to happen! :)


Happy to help with it Eric.  :)  We're up to 18 people - gonna be a party!  Drew and I will lock it in with CDT on Monday with the final numbers.  If others want to join in after that, they can make a separate reservation or inquire about joining the big group at that time.
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on October 21, 2019, 05:08:44 PM
Update on the Cowboy Dinner Tree plan for Saturday night.  They handle children's meals differently than I thought, it's kind of like family style I guess.  So $33 purchases a full adult meal.  Kids  7-13 cost $11, but they share your meal.  So if they want their own meal, it's $33. 
Also, I'm going to request that the dinner reservation get bumped to 7pm to give us more time to explore and get back to CDT.  Dinner lasts around 90 minutes.  Googles say that this location is 33 miles south from Camp Morningwood and drivetime is around 50 minutes.
LASTLY, the dinner is CASH ONLY, so definitely plan ahead and bring cash!

http://www.cowboydinnertree.net/ (http://www.cowboydinnertree.net/)
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on November 06, 2019, 02:27:16 PM
Here's a link to our ZW Geocache:

https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC2JNCH_dont-take-our-spot?guid=3b486bc3-8e97-4529-8b92-72440aa34697 (https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC2JNCH_dont-take-our-spot?guid=3b486bc3-8e97-4529-8b92-72440aa34697)
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: ebewley on November 17, 2019, 10:44:51 AM
Color me excited! Making final preparations for next weekend's adventure. An email with details has been sent to everyone that responded to this thread or emailed me that they were going. If you don't get it today (Sunday) and plan on attending, please reach out to me so I can get that to you. Still pulling together the Tomahawk Toss competition and I need a little help so If you have an extra LED lantern to share with the group that'd be great. Please bring it. If by some weird chance you have something we could use as a backstop such as plywood AND a way to get it there, please bring that. The Tomahawks are awesome by the way and should provide hours of entertainment. Verley, are you bringing your first aid kit? :)

Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - Bend, OR
November 21st – 24th   

Campground “MORNINGWOOD” Coord: 43.506400, -121.048619‎  /   43°30'23.0"N 121°02'55.0"W
Communications: FM VHF    154.570 MHz   "MURS #4"

Thursday 21
•   Anytime - Arrive at camp and gather wood, setup tents, etc..
•   Prepare for Rim Butte OHV Night Ride.

Friday 22 :
•   For those that are at camp, Day trip TBD
•   5PM - Camp and Have a BEEF STEW Potluck  & Socializer
•   AXE THROWING Competition

Saturday 23 :
Wake up EARLY! Adventure
•   ZW Geo Cache 43°30'30.62"N 121° 2'58.87"W
•   Ft. Rock Geological formation flush toilet available. 43°22'22.1"N 121°03'57.4"W
•   Hole In The Ground Explore 43.4029° N, 121.1983° W
•   Wander through the woods South and explore between Summer Lake and HWY97 (SEE ATTACHED .KML or GPX file)
•   7PM Group Dinner at Cowboy Dinner Tree (reservations needed, you are responsible for making the reservation)
•   Optional Night ride.

Sunday 24 :
Wake up (again) & break camp – Up and Over Newberry Crater (Depending on Snow Levels)
3PM - Get to Bend and Disperse/Disband

Who's In:
1. Eric& Hannah Bewley / Bend, Oregon / Sidekick
2. Davey & Mason Arnold / Salem, Oregon / Sidekick
3. Drew & Zavien Anderson / Dallas, Oregon / Chevy
4. Greg Mikkelson / Salem, Oregon / Chevy
5. Collin B. Cousin / Salem, Oregon / XL7
6. Paul Leapaldt / Bend, Oregon / Samurai
7. Jim Miller / Oregon / ?
8. Matt & Luke Verley / The Coast, Oregon / Sidekick
9. Kelly E. / Salem, Oregon / Toyota
10. Val Mueller / Salem, Oregon / Toyota
11. Tom Marshall / Prineville Oregon / Jeep
12. Ron Ender / GV / Corvallis, OR
13. Stasi Vallaincourt / Samurai / Albany, OR
14. David Capell /Newberg, Oregon / Ford Ranger?
15. Douglas Hart / Portland, Oregon / Sidekick
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: darnold87 on November 17, 2019, 11:03:20 AM
As for the CDT reservation, I'll post a pic of the reservation list.  We had one cancellation (Richard) so there's a spot open.
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: Invincible on November 18, 2019, 10:48:12 AM
As for the CDT reservation, I'll post a pic of the reservation list.  We had one cancellation (Richard) so there's a spot open.

I will take that spot.  I will have one kid with me sharing my meal.
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: Dughrt on November 21, 2019, 08:34:02 AM
Planning to leave Portland after work, is the campsite hard to find? I will be getting there in the dark. Also would someone be willing to forward me the details email? I haven't heard back from Eric about it. dughrt|removethispart|@msn.com 
See you guys tonight.
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: Drone637 on November 21, 2019, 03:04:02 PM
Planning to leave Portland after work, is the campsite hard to find? I will be getting there in the dark. Also would someone be willing to forward me the details email? I haven't heard back from Eric about it.

See you guys tonight.

The camp site is pretty easy to find, I went ahead and sent you a link to the GPS coordinates. Have fun out there!
Title: Re: Zukiworld Fall Classic 2019 - November 21st through 24th
Post by: JustinOdom on November 08, 2021, 05:05:08 PM
I will be attending! With two. Each in our own rig. Sidekicks

Would like more info please