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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Technical Discussion - Beginner / Repair => Topic started by: thebanjoman on December 25, 2017, 01:44:14 PM
I'm only 50% for the removal of 4 stud bolts on my 97 sidekick sport to replace the struts.. I got the 2 bottom ones off. I had broke both of the top ones off.
I was able to get the nut off but broke off the head of the bolt on both sides trying to loosen them up.suzuki
PB Blaster - several applications over a few days. - NOPE
Acetone/ATF Mix. - several applications over a few days -- NOPE
Oxyacetylene torch. Bolts red hot and a smack with a hammer - NOPE
Oxyacetylene torch. Bolts red hot - Sprayed with Actone/Atf mix to try and get it to 'suck in; - NOPE
Oxyacetylene torch. Bolts red hot - Sprayed water to shock the bolt to try and loosen it up. - NOPE
The only thing I haven't tried in my bag of tricks is Oxyacetylene torch. Bolts red hot and beeswax. Because I don't have any.
I cut off the strut with a 3" cutter to have full access and to get the heat directly where it needed.
I see I have 2 options. -
Drill the bolts out royal pain and lots of time.
Hit the yards and pull 2 new spindles and use them.
I don't know what else to try.
I've been at it for several days.
If you pay packing and shipping, I will send you two spindles and the bolts. I think I have everything still.
If you pay packing and shipping, I will send you two spindles and the bolts. I think I have everything still.
This is a JLX with 4 Wheel ABS. I'd love to get some less rusty backing plates as well for this.
PM sent.
Mine is also a JLX with 4 wheel ABS. Let me know what other parts you need. I have been swapping any parts that are better on to my new one, but I have lots of parts that are going to the scrapper soon.
Mine is also a JLX with 4 wheel ABS. Let me know what other parts you need. I have been swapping any parts that are better on to my new one, but I have lots of parts that are going to the scrapper soon.
Thank you. PM Sent.
Curiosity question - are/were the top bolts camber adjusting bolts?
Curiosity question - are/were the top bolts camber adjusting bolts?
Not that I know of. . They would probably be easier to get out if they were. There would be some void in the space and it's solid.
Surprised that they gave me such a fit. Usually getting them red hot loosens them up.