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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Technical Discussion - Beginner / Repair => Topic started by: tigeraid on June 30, 2015, 08:46:39 AM

Title: Power Lock Actuators Work, but won't fully lock doors
Post by: tigeraid on June 30, 2015, 08:46:39 AM
Hey guys.

Putting together a Sidekick for the wife.  Mostly little stuff it needs, sticky tailgate latch, hard top leaking, etc etc...

One thing that's kinda weird is, you can lock the doors manually with the key... But if you use the power lock switch OR the lock button at the top of the door, you hear a click but the door will still open.  Has anyone else encountered this issue?  Is it just a case of the rod going to the actuator being stretched or something?  It just seems odd because it happens on both doors.
Title: Re: Power Lock Actuators Work, but won't fully lock doors
Post by: nprecon on June 30, 2015, 09:10:09 AM
I'd pulled the door panels and watch it in action.  May just be in need of some lubrication or... ?  Won't know until you see the problem first hand. 
Title: Re: Power Lock Actuators Work, but won't fully lock doors
Post by: tigeraid on June 30, 2015, 12:12:11 PM
I suppose that makes sense, hopefully they come apart alright.  :-\
Title: Re: Power Lock Actuators Work, but won't fully lock doors
Post by: nprecon on June 30, 2015, 02:20:07 PM
Since you have power windows, you don't have to remove your window crank clip, which can be aggravating.  There is probably still a screw down in the hand hold that has to be removed.  There maybe another one around the power switches.  I don't remember.  It's been too long since I had a Tracker with power windows.

Anyway, check for other screws, then slip your fingers under the molding at the bottom corner of the door and carefully pull straight out.  There are large plastic clips that hold the plastic door panels to the door.  Your electrical switches are either clipped into the door panel and must be removed or they are mounted to the door frame.  At any rate, don't go crazy yanking outwards on the door panel until you figure out which it is so you don't tug on the switch wiring.  After the switch is removed, and you have popped the panel out of all the plastic clips, just lift the door panel upwards and the window (where the rubber is hooked over the door against the window glass) should lift up and out.
Title: Re: Power Lock Actuators Work, but won't fully lock doors
Post by: fordem on June 30, 2015, 05:01:32 PM
But if you use the power lock switch OR the lock button at the top of the door, you hear a click but the door will still open.

The fact that the lock button does not work suggests a mechanical issue, rather than a power lock actuator issue - as mentioned earlier, you're going to have to look at it - maybe out of adjustment, bent, or just needs lubrication.