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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Suzuki 4x4 Forum => Topic started by: ebewley on October 14, 2012, 06:32:05 PM
CLACKAMAS, OR - We recently were invited to the unveiling of WARN's newest offering. The Zeon winch series is described as the next generation of winches. The press material uses words like modern rugged design, upgraded internal components, increased performance and durability; all of which are true. However, we were even more struck by the passion and commitment of the company to improve and upgrade a product that already performs head and shoulders above the competition. At the onset of the press conference a literal handful of parts were triumphantly raised into the air and it was proclaimed that this new winch has been redesigned to the extent that only these few parts are shared with previous winch families....
http://zukiworld.com/month_100112/warn-zeon-winch-released.htm (http://zukiworld.com/month_100112/warn-zeon-winch-released.htm)
Warn is a great company with an interestin history. It has come a long way since my dad worked for them in 1970 ;D
http://books.google.com/books?id=KtgDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PP13&lpg=PP13&dq=warn+winch+auxiliary+transmission&source=bl&ots=SoIXntll2k&sig=IvITc3CXlR5xrWal9er-7GF9moI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tIh7UM-dNonVigLvt4D4Bg&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA (http://books.google.com/books?id=KtgDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PP13&lpg=PP13&dq=warn+winch+auxiliary+transmission&source=bl&ots=SoIXntll2k&sig=IvITc3CXlR5xrWal9er-7GF9moI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tIh7UM-dNonVigLvt4D4Bg&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAA)
It looks cool and has some decent upgrades and improvements,,,but they didnt address my #1 complaint about Warn winches, the price, LOL
they didnt address my #1 complaint about Warn winches, the price, LOL
Oh, I'm sure they've increased that, too! ;D
they didnt address my #1 complaint about Warn winches, the price, LOL
Oh, I'm sure they've increased that, too! ;D
Ahhh, not exactly the direction I would like to see the price travel......LOL
1350 for one with polished fairlead and synthetic cable. Yeah real affordable. Like the design, and everything it claims, but will also take a little fab work to fit existing winch bolt mounting pattern (per article). I think I will hold out for a while.
1350 for one with polished fairlead and synthetic cable. Yeah real affordable. Like the design, and everything it claims, but will also take a little fab work to fit existing winch bolt mounting pattern (per article). I think I will hold out for a while.
Those prices in the article are MSRP... I understand the actual pricing will be close to the XD series. So that's actually really good considering how many improvements there are. The symetrical design and larger size may cause headaches when fitting to aftermarket bumpers designed for previous winches.
Just to be clear, the mounting pattern is the same as other WARN winches.
- Andy
whats the gear ratio
how does the free spool lever work
wat is the size of the motor
what is the line speed
we want a lowmount with a no load of more then 20m per min
whats the gear ratio
how does the free spool lever work
wat is the size of the motor
what is the line speed
we want a lowmount with a no load of more then 20m per min
This info will be available on www.warn.com (http://www.warn.com) October 30. ;)
- Andy
Dam these things ar slow on paper
How small is the motor on these
Dam these things ar slow on paper
How small is the motor on these
What are you comparing them to?
- Andy
Dam these things ar slow on paper
How small is the motor on these
What are you comparing them to?
- Andy
...probably a Gigglepin 8274 with dual 6.0hp Warn 9.5xp motors. ;)