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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Technical Discussion - Beginner / Repair => Topic started by: blaster716 on November 14, 2010, 07:12:59 AM

Title: swapping engines
Post by: blaster716 on November 14, 2010, 07:12:59 AM
Im putting a 1.6l  8v motor and automatic trans from a 93 Tracker in my 92 Samurai . I ordered the tailshaft adapter i need to adapt to sammis transfer case .  Is there anything else i need to put this engine in ?
Ive had people tell me that i need different motor mounts , and others say i can use the stock ones from the samurai. Ive also been told by some that i need to replace the tranny mount and others tell me that i can use the stock one and that all i have to do is slot the hole where the stock mount bolted in and still other people tell methat i have to replace the stock crossmember ( trans ).
Im turning to you guys to lead me in the right direction.
Title: Re: swapping engines
Post by: ohiokickerJX on November 14, 2010, 08:17:23 AM
i think as long as you have the 1.6 adaptor plate when going from the 1.3 you should be fine.
Title: Re: swapping engines
Post by: Rhinoman on November 14, 2010, 08:50:38 AM
The (US) passenger side mount will cause problems, its about 1" out, you can cut the mount off the frame and relocate it, fab something up or buy a set of custom mounts from one of the Suzuki specialists.
If you're running a lift kit then you may get away with using the stock trac/kick oil pan. If not then you will need to use a modified Sammy pan and rework the oil pick up pipe to suit.
If you're using the auto box from the tracker then I would expect that you will need to fab up a gearbox crossmember. Its not a very common conversion.
Title: Re: swapping engines
Post by: LeeBuilt on November 23, 2010, 10:20:06 AM
Concerning the engine I would be sure to replace the Seals and gaskets

Rear main seal w/ gasket
Front main seal
Water pump
Timing cover
Timing belt
Belt tensioner

All of these are cheap insurance. Doing these items in the truck SUCK.

Title: Re: swapping engines
Post by: bentparts on November 23, 2010, 03:24:19 PM
All good advise. Try the search function too, tons of info. 8)