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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Technical Discussion - Beginner / Repair => Topic started by: JesseWSmith on July 19, 2010, 06:38:53 PM

Title: vacuum hoses vs carb choices
Post by: JesseWSmith on July 19, 2010, 06:38:53 PM
ok, I have chased vacuum hoses till I am sick, learned the MCV thing is totally missing-who knows if all the other plastic fittings, vsv's even work.  Want to replace the stock carb, curious as to which carb choice (weber vs myside vs others that are obtainable?) would allow me to get rid of most/all of the vacuum lines.

Which carb replacement is the easiest and eliminates the most vacuum lines?  I am reluctant to go with myside because I can not find a Harley carb on ebay.  I am basically wanting my 1988 tin top for street and light off road.  No emission testing in my state, yet...

Thanks a ton, I have had it with the vacuum lines, vsv's, mcv's, bsv's etc!
Title: Re: vacuum hoses vs carb choices
Post by: john1974 on July 20, 2010, 11:04:11 AM
ok, I have chased vacuum hoses till I am sick, learned the MCV thing is totally missing-who knows if all the other plastic fittings, vsv's even work.  Want to replace the stock carb, curious as to which carb choice (weber vs myside vs others that are obtainable?) would allow me to get rid of most/all of the vacuum lines.

Which carb replacement is the easiest and eliminates the most vacuum lines?  I am reluctant to go with myside because I can not find a Harley carb on ebay.  I am basically wanting my 1988 tin top for street and light off road.  No emission testing in my state, yet...

Thanks a ton, I have had it with the vacuum lines, vsv's, mcv's, bsv's etc!

Weber carb you get rid of 99% of the vac lines.  cleans up the carb area and you also get way more power from it. 
Title: Re: vacuum hoses vs carb choices
Post by: JesseWSmith on July 20, 2010, 01:48:28 PM
Thank you for your reply.  I am assuming the 1% left is the vacuum advance on the distributor?

Which is better, the weber or the My Side arrangement from ZOR?  My side seems more expensive, but weber seems to get negative feedback on climbing/decending.  Is that during mostly extreme conditions only?

Thanks again, I greatly apprectiate the help.
Title: Re: vacuum hoses vs carb choices
Post by: rascott on July 21, 2010, 10:42:44 AM
i like weber carburetors and have no experience w/the myside arrangement.
they(webers) can be set up to work well on climbing - mostly by mounting "backwards"(bowl to firewall) and mabe float adjustments.
if you will be changing altitude a lot, however, it can be a little agravating.
i live at sea level and have poor performance above 7000' unless i re-jet. then i have a similar problem when i get back.
i went back to the stock arrangement. feels less responsive overall, but i'm not out monkeying with it as much.
just my experience......