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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Technical Discussion - Performance / Modify => Topic started by: sasktrack on October 11, 2009, 08:20:02 AM
just wondering if anyone here has welded the back of a truck cab to there trackkick, and made it like a pick-up witha seperate box where the back seats are? just looking for pictures of my next project. thanks
WOW that's weird we just picked a couple kicks to cut up and do exactly what you are talking about. We are using a 4 door to make a extended cab and we picked up a 2 door convert to make the box out of. This build will be for buddy, hope to get on it soon as we are getting closer to getting my new rig done.
anyone tried to use the back of the hard top for this, i just found a broken one with glass for 80 bucks, im gunna repair it and mount on the back of the truck, i work at a body shop so hopefully i can make it pretty decent looking. pics soon hopefully, if i can get a camera.
I've always thought about this when I saw the first SJ pickup, would love to see someone actually do it on a trackick
Came across this on craigslist, You can get a look at what it can/will look like
(http://images.craigslist.org/3n83ma3of5Ta5P95R39an7620646c308613b6.jpg) more pix at links below
http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/cto/1435080560.html (http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/cto/1435080560.html)
more pix http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/cto/1433353938.html
same tracker but think the first link is from someone who bought it and is trying to sell right away askin $75 more
Picked up 2 a couple weeks ago and am in the process of doing just this - hardtop back door , roof frame mounted to a soft top body - lots of rust to deal with - just new to site - will post pics if possible
I always liked this idea, and thought about it myself. The closest thing I've seen is linked below, I liked the "tube" style flat bed...I think it was documented more on the other boards. I dont know if he used a hard top rear for the cab or not...
Its the Wildweasel III!!!