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ZUKIWORLD Discussion Forum => Suzuki 4x4 Forum => Topic started by: da_mtg_man on January 21, 2008, 03:42:26 PM
Hi all. My 9 & 10 yr old just bought a Sami for our hunt camp. It is all stock (except for camo paint ;D )
Here's my issue. The leaf springs are flat. Do I have them re-arched and add a leaf or do I go with this? http://www.rocky-road.com/budgetlift.html
It has 245/75/15 so if I'm not mistaken thats about a 29. I'd like to put 31 in buckshots or super swampers but need a couple more inches (story of my life). Any suggestions from you vets would be greatly appreciated.
It all depends on your budget, but i'd personally just get a set of new replacement springs to bring the height back up.
A lot of people run stock sami's with flat leaf springs, and they can ride ok to where people don't care to spend any money on them.
An add a leaf added to a flat spring may not do much for you.
I was planning on getting replacements springs but from the ones I've seen they are as much as the 3 inch lift from Rocky-road. I really don't want to sink $500 into a $900 camp truck but it may be worth it so that I can get some aggressive tires under her. Hell, Tampa Spring wanted $900 to re-arch and add a piece of steel. That guy was freakin nuts.
If it is just a play rig, don't worry about the flat springs. Mine have been flat for years.
I do have a SPOA for the lift, I am planning on installing the TT YJ kit when the funds are available. That will cure the flat springs and give a better ride, and a thinner wallet. :laugh:
As for aftermarket springs, do some searching on the links. There are a few places that have a better rep. than rr does.
Alright, Help me out here. I've seen the acronym SPOA several times. The only thing I can think of is Spring over axle?
SPOA= SPring Over Axle, just an older term for SOA which is Spring Over Axle also.
When I first got my Zuki and started modding it, that was the acronym used for a spring over lift. It has just stuck. ;D
your in Tampa?
your in Tampa?
St.Pete but 15 min from Tampa.
Are the springs flat or starting to invert? they're pretty flat from the factory.
There just flat, Not inverted at all.
da magic the gathering man ?
da magic the gathering man ?
lol... The maytag man............... ;D
Seriously, "The Mortgage Man" = Da_Mtg_Man
Wait... these things are supposed to have positive arch from the factory?
Wait... these things are supposed to have positive arch from the factory?
The rears have some arch on them the fronts are very nearly flat. If they were arched on the front then the axle would try to move forwards when you hit a bump.
Ok, I found some cj7 front and rear leafs for $15. Will these work and if so what kind of welding am I gonna have to do?
I know about the arch, I was just being an ass. :)
I believe the CJ7 front springs are the same width. But they are a bit longer then the rear springs. One mod is to use the CJ7 front springs, then rotate the rear springs up front (RUF).
For the CJ spring swap, you would use the front CJ springs in the rear of your Sami and the rear Sami springs in the front, along with the missing link shackles if I remember correctly.
Been a while since I thought a bought that swap even though I have most of the parts. I have decided to go a different route.
What are missing link shackles and how much lift should I expect. I'm guessing that I'm sacrificing a comfortable ride but is it gonna be real rough?
The missing link shackle is a two piece shackle that opens up when the supension droops. Check this out, it will give you some info. http://www.rocky-road.com/zuklink.html
Tampa area huh? Home of the Sponge. :laugh:
The missing link shackle is a two piece shackle that opens up when the supension droops. Check this out, it will give you some info. [url]http://www.rocky-road.com/zuklink.html[/url]
Tampa area huh? Home of the Sponge. :laugh:
lol... It's good to have him back, They have definitely made him tone it down considerably though.
Ok, Now, I read the article but am still somewhat lost, I need these missing links to be able to run cj7 springs? Aalso, Is it $92 a quarner or $94 front and $94 rear? Is the 2 inch to much?
I know I am a pain in the ass but I've learned to except it so you guys are gonna have too as well. ;D
nevermind, I read it closer and think I understand. Stay tuned, I will be asking more questions and thanks to everyone for your advise so far.
Mike, do some research on RRO. There are also other companies that make the missing links. I like Trail Tough myself as do others. I need to do some digging but there is another company that makes a nice set, when I find it I will post it for you.
As for Bubba, even Sirius has made him tone it down. His show is no where near what it was two years ago. Just sorry that I can't listen to his morning show, not near a puter at work in the morning.
I just made up my own pair of folding shackles for the front. Of course, I ended up cutting the front fenders up so the tires could flex properly... :P