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valve lash adjustment help

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Offline Swansen

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valve lash adjustment help
« on: January 07, 2009, 06:19:43 AM »
So, i know procedure, find TDC, do cylinder 1, rotate counterclockwise 3 cyl, then 4 then 2.  Anyways, how the ish do you get a feeler gauge under the lifters on the intake side.  Its a 16v, and i'm at a loss right now?? and i'm guessing you adjust under the adjusting screw as its spring loaded??  Do i just need to make my feeler gauge skinnier or?? My engine is making a crap ton of noise, its like there are tiny people in there, just beating the crap out of everything. (98,000)


Offline Drone637

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 12:24:56 PM »
I just pushed the feeler gauge through from the right side underneath the cam shaft and checked it.  I started with the  lowest spec, if it fit then I tried the highest that was just out of spec.  If only the one fit I considered it good enough.

How far out of spec were the exhaust valves?  If they were all ok then you might have rod bearings or something else causing your noise.  Have you run the engine out of oil in the past?

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Offline Swansen

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2009, 04:20:37 PM »
?? under the cam, i dunno, i guess i'm just going to have to stare at it for a little while until i come up with something.  The thing that was really giving me trouble was that the rockers under the cam are spring loaded, so the adjusting screw always has tension on it, which made it about impossible to adjust from the other side of the rocker, on top of the spring.  I was really tired though, so maybe i'll be able to figure something out.  I wish i had my friggin camera, thieves man, i could show what i'm talking about.  A couple of the exhaust valves weren't to bad, but most were tight, like so they wouldn't move.  On the bearings, i dunno, i just bought the vehicle, but it seems weird that something like that would die so early on... it would be my luck though.


Offline Skyhiranger

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2009, 05:48:40 PM »
Sounds like to me you need to read how to do the valve adjustment properly. :P

First off, never turn the engine counter clockwise (when looking at it from the front).
Second, find TDC of #1....both the intake and exhaust valves on the #1 cylinder will be loose (or should be, unless they are adjusted waaaaay too tight).
Third, with #1 at TDC, adjust #1 intake and exhaust valves, #2 intake valves, and #3 exhaust valves.
Fourth, rotate the crankshaft pulley 1 full revolution clockwise (#4 will be at TDC now).
Fifth, adjust #4 intake and exhaust valves, #2 exhaust valves, and #3 intake valves.
Sixth, you're done.

The above procedure is much better (and more accurate) than the bastardized way of turning the engine and adjusting the intake and exhaust valves on each cylinder at the same time.

For the 16V engine, you check the clearance by inserting the feeler gauge between the rocker arm and where it rides on the camshaft (so, in other words, between the rocker and cam, not between the adjustment screw and the tip/end of the valve, like on 8V engines).  It can be a PITA to get the feeler gauge in there, but with a little patience and persistance, you'll find the right angle to get it to fit in there.
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Offline Swansen

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2009, 11:20:54 PM »
Well, from engines with timing belts, counterclockwise is best because it doesn't unload the tensioner?? or is Suzuki not that way? honestly i don't know, and i should have found out for sure before.  I saw that way of adjusting valve lash on trackers/kicks from a manual, but it seemed crazy to me, like the guys that adjust valves whiles its running.  So, i "attempted" it one cylinder at a time.  It was late, like 12am, i had only saw a couple pictures of the G16b cam assembly, and it looked crazy, so i wanted to get a good look at it while it was in front of me... and i didn't do so well.  After looking at it tonight, i've got it figured out, it wasn't as confusing as i thought it was, but i understand why i was stuck.  To adjust the intake valves, you just need a really thin feeler gauge and i figured that out.  Anyways, the noise is more of piston slap than anything, pretty much discerned that tonight as well.  So, thats sweet, i wanted to find a 1.3 originlly, because they seem really reliable, but i've heard about issues with the 1.6s so i wanted to avoid them, but what do you do.  Its ok, it will just motivate me to do a diesel swap.  (don't hate me)  ..sorry for the book
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 11:48:31 PM by Swansen »


Offline Swansen

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2009, 06:14:13 AM »
Like in the REALLY good drawing i did  the problem is getting the feeler gauge in between the lifter and valve stem.
(horrible scale, on everything, but its ok) (diagram is for intake valves) (also, "lifter" should be ROCKER)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 08:11:31 AM by Swansen »


Offline Skyhiranger

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2009, 07:48:23 AM »
Well, from engines with timing belts, counterclockwise is best because it doesn't unload the tensioner?? or is Suzuki not that way? honestly i don't know, and i should have found out for sure before.  I saw that way of adjusting valve lash on trackers/kicks from a manual, but it seemed crazy to me, like the guys that adjust valves whiles its running.  So, i "attempted" it one cylinder at a time.  It was late, like 12am, i had only saw a couple pictures of the G16b cam assembly, and it looked crazy, so i wanted to get a good look at it while it was in front of me... and i didn't do so well.  After looking at it tonight, i've got it figured out, it wasn't as confusing as i thought it was, but i understand why i was stuck.  To adjust the intake valves, you just need a really thin feeler gauge and i figured that out.  Anyways, the noise is more of piston slap than anything, pretty much discerned that tonight as well.  So, thats sweet, i wanted to find a 1.3 originlly, because they seem really reliable, but i've heard about issues with the 1.6s so i wanted to avoid them, but what do you do.  Its ok, it will just motivate me to do a diesel swap.  (don't hate me)  ..sorry for the book

The 1.3s and the 1.6s have the timing belt tensioner on the passengers side of the engine.....so if you turn the engine counter clockwise (assuming you are using the crank bolt to rotate the engine and not the cam bolt), then you will "unload" the tensioner, so to speak.
A diesel swap would be cool...no hate here.

Oh, and in case you don't know......#1 piston is the one at the front of the engine (closest to the timing belt).
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 07:54:02 AM by Skyhiranger »
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Offline Drone637

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Re: valve lash adjustment help
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2009, 09:32:10 AM »
I completely forgot, just go to Acks Faq (http://www.acksfaq.com) and do a search for FSM.  You can download the engine FSM for the 96 Tracker, it gives a full walk through with pictures on how to adjust your valves on the 16v engine.
96 Geo Tracker, x-SJ-410,  x-White Rabbit, x-Project Trouble
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