remember that the sammi case will reduce high range operation by 1.409:1. which essentually lowers ur R&P.
1.409 x R&P = operation gearing.
this is what a fellow ZOOKY sent to me about his kicker3.
sorry for the slow responce, I dont get on as much these days. I have 35" MTR's with 4.56 gears and an automatic transmission. I also have the 4.16 gears in the sami case. The thing that I think makes the Kicker3 the best doubler on the market (besides the fact that its HALF the cost of the other two) is that it marries everything together which makes it very smooth. As far as highway driving goes, I am a bit low because of the 3-speed auto. My suspension is a bit too limber for the highway but as far as the drivetrain is concerned, if I had the right axle gears it would be awesome. With the Kicker3 in high range the ratio is 1:1 so its like its not even there. I think the Kicker3 is the best bang-for-your-buck out there. Everyone seems to like the Rock Block I think because of Trail Toughs reputation. Any other questions let me know. -Randy