Hello all,
I have no experience with carbs, the only experience with carbs I do have was along time ago and it was a computer operated carb and I never even had to pump the throttle to start it, or mess with idle or choke, it was all automatic, and worked great.
I will run my procedure EVERYDAY by you, Its been no colder that 70 lately, yet when I leave my sammy parked out overnight, I have to pump the throttle 5 or 6 times to start it, after which, it kicks up to high idle, and wont come back down for like 5 minutes, If Its only been off for say a few hours or a little longer, I dont even need to pump it at all. I turns right over.
If its been sitting overnight and I dont pump it it will start instantly, like it does if its been sitting for a few hours, but then immediately die.
Is this normal? fyi its an 87 and has 140k on it. I have cleaned the carb throat and linkages very well.
I just dont think the choke should be kicking on in 70 degree MINIMUM temps, and the fact that I cant seem to kick the choke off, my dad says I should be able to tap the pedal and it would kick off, but it wont, If I have to go somewhere and cant wait, I have to use 2nd and/or slip the clutch.
Thanks, I did a search and it only pulled up one, unrelated topic