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Bad day on the freeway

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Offline urbanwheeler

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Bad day on the freeway
« on: September 29, 2007, 12:40:15 AM »
Today i was driving home from work(in thousand oaks) on the 101 freeway(in southern california), and I kept getting run off the road by bad drivers trying to get on and off the freeway in the slow lane, so I move over to the fast lane. So I am driving along at 65-70 mph, when all the traffic stops in front of me. I hit my brakes, but they for some reason arent as effective as they usually are(I had plenty of room to stop, as I am used to the traffic stopping suddenly, and take extra precaution), and it results in me tapping the bumper of a late 90s toyota corolla that was in front of me. so I get to the side of the road, (the middle of the freeway) and the woman driving the car seems to be understanding and just wants my insurance info, but the woman in the passenger seat is freaking out(she supposedly owns the car). Keeping in mind that there was absolutely no damage to either vehicle, I just am hoping that the one who owns the car doesnt try to get the insurance to replace the whole rear section just because the rear bumper got tapped, and ruining my insurance rate and driving record. It just seemed that she was way too upset for how minor the collision was, and I hope that things go somewhat smoothly. And then here is the other thing: the brakes on the tracker. They felt like no matter how hard I pushed on the pedal, I couldnt slow it down. It did slow down some, but I thought it was strange that the brakes were acting like they were overheated when I hadnt really rode them (I usually downshift to slow down, and use the brakes to assist when coming to a full stop). And then when I got home, I hear that I was supposed to get the other drivers insurance information, but I dont understand why as I was the one at fault because my car couldnt stop fast enough. I got the other drivers phone number, but that was it. I really wish I would have taken some pictures(I had my digital camera in the car), but at the moment, that wasnt really at the top of my mind ::). i just hope this goes without an ordeal :P
Runnin' it stock with 225/75R15s and an unmodified 8valve TBI motor (I need a doug thoroley header and a cam) (more power) (1.6 liters of madness) (vroom + sewing machine sounds)



Re: Bad day on the freeway
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 07:23:17 AM »
You didn't know you werre supposed to get their information? Oy!

You gotta call your insurance company immediately and tell them what happened.

Bad news is that when you're the rear party of a rear-end accident, it's basically always your fault. You can try to claim that the brakes just went bad, but I don't think that's gonna cut it.

The good news is no damage. Insurance companies aren't gonna stand for much nonsense. It's one thing if there was actual damage, the other party can try to overblow it, but even that doesn't fly these days.

I wouldn't worry. Accidents happen, and the main thing is, you're okay.