Hey Guys kinda new here dont know much about samurais either. Im having some troubles whenever i put my samuria into gear does not matter where i put it, neutral, first ,second etc it will not move. It feels like it is trying to move and it also sounds like its trying to move but it will not go anywhere. It simply bogs down and dies can someone please help me I am really looking to hit the trails CANT WAIT any longer
Thank You
I think all of that is a little premature, unless you have money you just want to spend.
First make sure the transfer case is in High or Low, basically either as far forward or back as it will move. See if it will move. If TC does not want to shift It may be stuck between gears, and is an easy fix.
With it running and in gear and have someone check to see if either drive line is turning (by laying beside sami, not in front of wheels). Check the drive line between transmission and TC.
(If you list your location, it is easier to to find someone nearby that may lend assistance in person.)