a locrite will never affect your turning, your tire wear, or break any thing as long as its working proper, a loc right is designed to spin freely when one tire needs to turn faster than the other (witch solves the steerig) a locright is designed to unlock and work like an open carrier automaticly. this steering issue is b.s. i have spooled front and rear axles and run bigger tire than mostly everyone and can turn fine, my rear end chirps when turning corners on pavement, i also run a 2 door tracker with 33" tires stock aluminum front carrier and drive every day on road with my locrites my tires wear completly normal, i have not broke a housing, i can turn fine, and it works great. i have had one issue with my hubs locked in i was making a tight u turn on road and my front locright failed to release causing a cv shaft to explode, a trip to the junk yard and 10 bucks later all was solved. get a locker you will love it!