Hey you all, sorry for the delayed response. But the fact that you guys have responded to me gives me hope. I have a 1999 Vitara 2dr manual, I'm assuming its the JS 1.6L but I was told by the previous owner that it was the 2.0L. I know this vehicle can't do too much but i at least would like to convert it to 4wd as it's meant to be my little mini camping truck. I want to find a replacement hard top for it, or a shop that does custom ones, I want to put as many add ons to it to offset its weak engine. I know its a slow climber but that's ok, I don't need it to be fast. Why I have/wanted the vehicle? I've always wanted one but could not find/afford them whenever the time arose. I finally found one that felt reasonable and while it wasn't the sidekick I had dreamed of, I felt like it was close enough for my first one and already, as-is, i love it and want to upgrade it. The last forum I belonged to was no help and told me to give up on it and move on with my life which is a bit harsh for a suzuki loving community to tell a new owner essentially that he's wasting his time. Hopefully this helps you all help me but thank you anyway for the answers you all did provide. sorry for being so vague earlier. and thanks mods for not deleting my thread after i didnt respond fast enough.