I've had some trouble with my clutch cable not being able to keep its adjustment. This started about a year ago when the firewall fatigued and spider web cracked after almost 200,000 miles.
Well after looking around I found
and I decided to see if I could change things from a cable to hydraulics. Well, after an all afternoon thrash fest yesterday I have it completed and I'm glad to report that it works very well. Here are some pictures of the installation.
And a few of the hydraulic line routing
Access to the reservoir on the mastercylinder is very limited and I had to notch and weld in a reinforcement plate in hte knee bar where the master/pedal assembly are mounted, but it was worth all of the trouble. I can now shift gears with out grinding and it should not loose its adjustment like the cable did after the firewall fiasco.
I still have a few loose ends to tie up, but for now my daily drives will be a lot more relaxing for both me and the tracker transmission.