As far as parts go, it depends on what you need and what I can find in the parts catalog. I'd love to be able to post an online catalog, but the reason Suzuki doesn't I guess is because there is an online program for dealers called SCAT that has a service section where we go to look up parts and service questions. I can't really put that online as I'm not really even supposed to use it unless absolutely necessary.
What kind of stock parts do you guys need? As far as aftermarket parts, you guys probably have more access than I do. The only aftermarket parts I have access to are from Suzuki Works Techno, the new design company for Renos, Aerios, and I think they're going to do the XL-7. Let me know if you need a part, and I'll get you a price. I guess that's the way to do that. Email me the year and model, the part you need, and I'll have my service manager look up the cost of the part on SCAT and see what we can do.