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Flasher/Signal Relay - Where is it?

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Flasher/Signal Relay - Where is it?
« on: December 29, 2003, 09:34:08 AM »
Could someone tell me where the flasher/signal relay is located in a 2002 Suzuki Grand Vitara and how easy it might be to replace one?  

The turn signal light will come on when I select either direction and the hazard lights come on as well, but they do not flash.  This is what leads me to believe that it may be a flasher/signal relay.




Offline ebewley

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Re: Flasher/Signal Relay - Where is it?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2003, 04:14:01 AM »
Could someone tell me where the flasher/signal relay is located in a 2002 Suzuki Grand Vitara and how easy it might be to replace one?  

The turn signal light will come on when I select either direction and the hazard lights come on as well, but they do not flash.  This is what leads me to believe that it may be a flasher/signal relay.



This sounds simple but did you check the bulbs? I think the GV is the same as the XL.7 so I'm offering this. The flasher relay is mounted above the steering column behind the dash. It is not too easy to get to. Again, this is my XL.7 experience please let me know if the GV's is located elsewhere.

HTH -Eric

Eric L. Bewley                               
Editor, ZUKIWORLD Online                   

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